How Long Does It Take To Replace an Alternator?

Did you know that battery trouble is one of the most common reasons for roadside assistance calls? A dead battery always happens at the most inconvenient times. It could leave you stranded on a freezing cold day.

Unfortunately, the situation gets worse for many vehicle owners. They replaced the battery only to have it die shortly after.

When a functional battery cannot hold a charge, it suggests an issue with the alternator. This is a more expensive and complex repair.

Read on to learn more about a vehicle’s electrical system and how to fix an alternator. Explore the topic of how long does it take to replace an alternator?

What Is an Alternator?

The alternator works in conjunction with your car’s battery and voltage regulator to provide power to the vehicle’s electrical components. It provides an alternating current (AC) to charge the car’s battery. In turn, the battery then delivers voltage to components like the instrument panel and headlights.

You can find the alternator near the front of the engine block. It is driven by the vehicle’s crankshaft.

Connecting the alternator and the crankshaft is a serpentine belt. This belt moves in a circular direction as the engine’s pistons go up and down.

The vehicle works as an interwoven system with the engine powering the alternator. The alternator then powers the battery, which powers the vehicle’s electrical components.

What Are the Symptoms of an Alternator Failure?

There are a few signs that your alternator needs repair or replacement. The most obvious is a warning light on your dashboard. In other cases, you may see dashboard lights and instrument panels start to dim or flicker.

Look for other electrical components like the radio to act strangely. From a more physical standpoint, a burning smell around the battery or alternator suggests an issue. A fluid leak in and around the alternator is another alarming sign.

How Long Does It Take to Replace an Alternator?

Now that you understand the basics of an alternator, it is time to learn about its repair time. Like any automotive repair, the time to fix it depends on the mechanic’s experience and skill level. Finding mechanic services with years of experience and a good reputation is critical.

It also depends on the type of vehicle you own and how easy it is to access the alternator. In most cases, the alternator is located in front of the engine. However, it may take more time to swap an alternator if it is located in a difficult spot.

For an experienced repair technician, an alternator repair is going to take one to two hours. This repair time assumes there are no complicating factors discovered while the technician works.

It is also important to consider the logistics time required to obtain replacement parts. Ultimately, you need to bring the vehicle to your repair shop for a precise repair time.

Your Guide to Alternator Repair

You now understand the basics of alternator repair. Fixing the alternator is not something that you can push off or ignore. Without it, your car will not run properly and you will eventually be stranded.

If you are wondering how long does it take to replace an alternator, contact us today to speak with an experienced repair technician.

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